Spotted Alen Again


Black and White -- Blood Factors : Alb>B,Gc>S

stud fee $500 LFG - FARM BREEDING ONLY


Breeding Contract

Spotted Alen Again, sire of the 2010 NSSHA WGC Buck's Pushin' Allen, 2003 SSHBEA WGC Alen's Stormy Nite, is unequaled as a spotted breeding stallion. Registered with four different registries, which include the Spotted Saddle Horse Breeder's and Exhibitor's Association, the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Association, the Racking Horse Breeder's Association, and the National Spotted Saddle Horse Association, Spotted Alen has attained an unprecedented record of producing winning show horses. Alen offspring up to 1999 have won 84 world championships, 62 reserve world championships, and 411 divisional world champion wins. Alen's year 2000 totals include 2 World Grand Championships, 6 Reserve World Grand Championships, 7 World Champions and 6 Reserve World Champions. In the past 5 years 2 of the World Grand Champion Spotted Saddle Horses were sired by Spotted Alen. In 1995 it was Alen's Lethal Weapon and in 2000 it was Pride of Alen Again. Spotted Alen Again himself is a Supreme Champion and 3 time World Champion. Even if you don't show horses Spotted Alen produces a great all-around horse for you and your family. If you enjoy the "rail or the trail" Spotted Alen can fill your needs. Alen foals are always spotted, good natured and have that smooth four-beat gait. If you are unsure of what to breed your mare to or just beginning to raise colts please give Spotted Alen a try and you won't be disappointed.


Spotted Alen Again

Go Boy's Shadow  
Merry Go Boy
Reed's Shadow Man Merry Walker

Spotted Alen

Bonnie Boyd
Wadie Boy
Maude Angel
Elrod's Gold Sun
Midnight Sun
Midnight Curlee "P" Elrod's Princess Allen
Sue Lassiter Curlee's Spotted Allen
Sally Lassiter
Midnight Sun   
Wilson's Allen
Sun's Eldorado Ramsey's Rena
Lady Eldorado Queen Mary     
Merry Go Boy
Queen Mary G.
Midnight Red Boy
Midnight Sunset
Holder's Ladder Lady Princess Allen G.
Allen's Sue Bates   Askew's Allen
Southern Sue